Author: Dominique BaudryAges: 8-18+Format: Bundle with GamesPublished: 2021Learning how to interpret social situations, figure out the social expectations for those situations, and evaluate our feelings is complex and important social emotional learning. Help make that learning fun, safe, and consequence-free for ages 8-18 with our All-in-One Should I? or Shouldn’t I? Games & Expansion Packs Bundle. In this bundle you’ll find the primary school version and the teen version of the popular...
and What to Do When They Happen to You By Kim Edmister At long last, simple and clear-cut guidelines for helping children differentiate big deals - situations that require adult intervention and little deals - those things children are capable of handling on their own. Eliminate the need to give constant reminders to “Stop tattling.” Instead, empower children by prompting, “Is it a big deal or a little deal?” Once they have learned the difference and know the strategies, they are better...
Ages: 4-11Format: CD Data Disc (MAC and Windows Compatible)Flash Player Lessons with PDF Worksheets and PostersBy: Susan BowmanThese wonderful, supplementary, interactive mini-lessons can be used on any digital white board such as SMART Board™ or Promethean Board™ or on a computer. Kids will love these animated lessons, the great sound effects and narration. Lessons include:True Friends Blue Friends - see which friends help Brad find his way through the mazeTake a Bite out Of Mean Words - help...
By Susan Bowman This colourfully illustrated story introduces Brad, an unusual shark, who doesn't "fit in" with the other sharks. He is teased and called names by other sea creatures because he doesn't fit the reputation of being a shark. So he tries to not hang around the other sharks hoping this will make a difference. But the teasing continues. He finally turns to his only friend Kia, a humpback whale, who tells him that he should not try to change who he is just to have friends....
Authors: Michelle Garcia Winner, Stephanie Madrigal, the Superflex Creative TeamDefeat Distractibility!You’ve worked through the Superflex curriculum with your students and now you’re ready to dive deeper. This discounted two-book set featuring the Unthinkable Brain Eater and Thinkable Focus Tron explores one of the social learning challenges we see most often in our students — distractibility! The lessons in these two books complement each other and they even share similar settings and...
Developing Skills to Positively Meet the Challenges of Life By Paula Galey The ability to overcome adversity and challenging circumstances, brought about by early conditions and experiences, by successfully adapting and making constructive changes, is termed resiliency. While educators can’t control the family conditions or social demographics that their students experience, they can implement educational policies and practices that promote resiliency. This comprehensive resource offers a...
A How-to Guide for Successful Behaviour by Mark Le Messurier This book is for educators, counsellors and health professionals. It is for those who wish to explore the notion that children always do better when they are encouraged to stretch their self-awareness and independence. Using cognitive behavioural training (CBT), students are explicitly taught to acquire new skills and solve problems with organisation, planning, remembering, perseverance, motivation, confidence and more. With...
Nota: Eres Un Detective Social! también está disponible en inglés y francés.Para maestros, paraprofesionales y cuidadores, este libro les ha resultado excelente manera de animar a los niños a ser sus propios detectives sociales y a mejor entender las situaciones sociales que ocurren en la escuela, en el hogar y a lo largo del día. Se pueden repasar los conceptos repetidamente para enseñarles a los alumnos cómo desarrollar sus propias habilidades de detective social. Incluye áreas de enfoque...
by Peter Clutterbuck Fair Play! Classroom Games is an essential two book resource series for classroom teachers and teacher aides. The games have been designed for use with pairs, small groups or teams of students. Alternatively they can be used by a classroom support person who is working on developing social interaction skills with individual students. Other skills targeted cover listening, following instructions and team work. Each game acts as a reinforcement for a number of basic literacy,...
by Peter Clutterbuck Fair Play! Classroom Games is an essential two book resource series for classroom teachers and teacher aides. The games have been designed for use with pairs, small groups or teams of students. Alternatively they can be used by a classroom support person who is working on developing social interaction skills with individual students. Other skills targeted cover listening, following instructions and team work. Each game acts as a reinforcement for a number of basic literacy,...
Nota: Fichas de Comportamiento Social también está disponible en inglés.Fichas de Comportamiento Social son un recurso visual que ilustran estos conceptos abstractos por medio de un diagrama de flujo. Padres y profesionales de la educación las utilizan para enseñar cómo todos los comportamientos que se llevan a cabo frente a los demás están implicados con las interpretaciones y reacciones sociales en una variedad de temas, incluyendo el hogar, la comunidad y el salón de clases. Este libro de 105...
Activities that Help to Develop Empathy By Naomi Roche This photocopiable resource supports students to understand complex situations through other people’s eyes. Having good relationships and empathy with others are founded on this important skill. This book encourages students to think about events from other perspectives, look at people’s motivations and consider the consequences of actions. The book is focused around five themes. Each theme contains a story told from three points of view....
Ages: Curriculum & Activities Across AgesFormat: Book BundlePublished: 2024Author: Leah KuypersGetting into the Zones of Regulation Book Bundle £84.98 - saving £25!For each copy of The Zones of Regulation purchased at full price, you can buy, as part of this bundle only, Getting Into The Zones of Regulation: The Complete Framework 50% discounted. Full bundle price £109.98 - buy for only £84.98.Explore the bundle!The Zones of Regulation: A Curriculum Designed to Foster Self-Regulation and...
Figuring Out the Size of the ProblemYou’ve worked through the Superflex curriculum with your students and now you’re ready to dive deeper. This discounted two-book set featuring the Unthinkable Glassman and Thinkable Kool Q. Cumber explores one of the social learning challenges we regularly see in our students — having big reactions to small problems! The lessons in these two books complement each other and they even share similar settings and characters to bridge the learning.These engaging...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
Written by Avril WebsterIllustrated by David RyleyStorybooks created by an Irish Mum for her own son Stephen – but… more than just storybooks!Off We Go books are beautifully illustrated, engaging social storybooks for children that explain ‘what comes next’ on an outing. They are designed to help children to get through the task sequentially making it easier for them. The colourful books are very suitable for children with autism or other social communication difficulties. They are also useful...
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